Constitution of the
Fencing Confederation of Asia
(Amended as of September 7, 2015)
Article 1. Name
The name of this organization is the “Fencing Confederation of Asia” (hereinafter referred to as “FCA”). The FCA name was adopted during the General Assembly meeting of the Asian Fencing Confederation held in Nantong China on August 2007.
Article 2. Objectives
The objectives for which the FCA is established are:
1. To assist the FIE in promoting and developing fencing in Asia, and whenever possible to organize fencing federations in all countries/territories in Asia
2. To form and stimulate international opinion in favor of providing proper and better fencing facilities in Asia.
3. To organize competitions in fencing, to include Asian Senior, Juniors, Cadet, and Veterans, for both men and women in all weapons, whether they be regional or global in character and offer, grant, or contribute towards the provision of prizes, awards, and distinctions.
4. To organize, hold, and arrange coaching, presiding, and training courses within Asia and where appropriate, in conjunction with the International Fencing Federation (FIE).
5. To co-ordinate fencing activities within Asia and to co-operate with existing national/territorial fencing bodies within the Region as well as the FIE.
6. To offer financial, administrative, and technical support to existing national/territorial fencing bodies where necessary and possible.
7. To enforce uniform policies and rules for the encouragement and regulation of the sport of fencing in Asia and to deal with any infringements thereof; and to reconcile or arbitrate in differences which may arise among national/territorial fencing bodies.
8. To foster the spirit of the Olympic Movement that is friendship among peoples by means of sport without any discrimination.
9. To further its objectives free from any discrimination on grounds of race, sex, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, family status or other such reasons.
10.To ensure strict application of FIE Statutes, Rules and regulations by the FCA and all its member federations
11.To adhere to and promote the FIE Disciplinary Code, the FIE Code of Ethics, including Betting and Anti-Corruption Rules, and promote activities against Doping
12.To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
Article 3. Responsibilities
1. It proposes measures to the FIE Executive Committee that it deems useful for the development and consolidation of fencing in Asia and works towards the creation of new National Federations.
2. It establishes sets and proposes means of promotion likely to have the best impact.
3. It acts as a coordinator for the initiatives of the National Federations
4. It reports to the CEO of the FIE any problems or administrative dysfunctions within the FCA and/or its member federations. It actively collaborates with the CEO to carry out administrative training projects.
5. It informs the Sport Department of the FIE of the training requests and needs of the coaches of its member federations. It actively collaborates with the Sport Department to carry out training projects developed by the FIE.
6. Six months before the events, it proposes to the Executive Committee of the FIE the place and dates of its Zonal Championships, all age categories, as it has the status of co-organizer with the FIE
7. It carries out itinerant missions in Asia entrusted to it by the FIE with a view of reinforcing the National Federations
8. It is responsible for the application of the four-year plan of the FCA adopted by the Executive Committee of the FIE
9. It verifies that the various aids granted by the FIE are used properly
10.Each year it presents to the Secretary General beforehand and then to the Executive Committee of the FIE a report on its activities and a progress report on the four-year plan of the FCA, as well as a financial report and a draft budget.
11.At least 3 months in advance, it invites the President or the Secretary General of the FIE to attend the FCA General Assembly. The agenda and any documents relative to the General Assembly are sent with the invitation.
Article 4. Membership
1. The FCA shall consist of, as members, such fencing associations or federations as are duly recognized by their national/territorial Olympic Committees or equivalent, and accredited by the Federation Internationale D’Escrime, whose application in writing have been approved by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly present and voting.
2. No association or federation shall be admitted as member unless it has satisfied the General Assembly that it is properly constituted and that its affairs are conducted in a satisfactory manner.
3. If, in the opinion of the General Assembly, any member has infringed any rules of the FCA or decision of the General Assembly or that its conduct is considered injurious to the character or interests of the FCA, the General Assembly shall have power by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting to suspend or cancel its membership after due enquiry.
4. A member that is either under enquiry or that has initiated a complaint shall not act as a member at any meeting held to investigate the case concerned except for the sole purpose of giving testimony relating to the case or otherwise directed by the General Assembly to do so.
5. By joining the FCA, a member shall agree to abide by all provisions of the Constitution and rules for the time being in force. A member shall also assist in enforcing all decisions of the General Assembly.
6. A member may withdraw from the FCA by giving notice in writing to the Secretary General.
7. The General Assembly by a two thirds vote, present and voting, may confer honorary membership, offices, or titles on such persons who have rendered signal significant service to the sport of fencing or the FCA. They shall pay no dues nor have the right to vote, unless holding office, or except as representatives of affiliated associations or federations
8. A past President of the FCA shall be conferred the title of Honorary Chairman. He shall hold office until the position is taken over by the next past president of the FCA. He shall have the right to attend all meetings of the FCA but shall pay no dues nor have the right to vote.
Article 5. Subscriptions
1. The annual subscription for members shall be fixed from time to time by the Executive Board. The first payment shall be made upon admission and thereafter on the first day of January in each year. Failure to pay dues as prescribed may deprive the member of the right of representation and participation in official events of the FCA at the discretion of the Executive Board and, if continued for a period of three consecutive years, shall operate as a loss of membership.
2. Payment of annual subscription may be delayed or waived in whole or part with the agreement of the Executive Board by a majority vote present and voting.
3. Subscriptions are not refundable for reasons of suspension, cancellation, or withdrawal of membership. However, the Executive Board shall have the power to waive this rule under very special circumstances.
Article 6. Organization and Administration
1. The FCA shall be organized and administered by a General Assembly consisting of an Executive Board and a representative member from each affiliated association or federation.
2. The administration and day-to-day running of the FCA shall be vested upon the Executive Board consisting of nine elected and eight nominated officers, all of whom shall come from different affiliated associations or federations at the Election Meeting of the FCA once every four years.
The FIE President shall be an Ex-officio member of the FCA Executive Committee, and as such shall have the right to vote.
3. The nine elected officers of the FCA are: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and three Board Members. Once elected, all these nine elected officers and the eight nominated officers shall hold office until the next Election Meeting which shall co-inside with the year in which the Summer Olympic Games are held.
4. The eight nominated members of the Executive Board are: one Vice President representing the hosting federation of the upcoming Asian Games; one Vice President to assist the President in the execution of his office; the chairman of the FCA Athletes Commission as Board Member; one Director coming from each of the five regions (Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and West Asia). They shall be appointed by the Executive Board upon recommendation of the President.
5. If any vacancy shall occur in the Executive Board, the General Assembly shall elect by a two thirds vote, present and voting, such member as they deem fit to fill the office so vacant until the next Election Meeting.
6. No less than six months prior to the Election Meeting for the FCA, the Secretary General shall call for nominations by circulation of a notice to all members. All nominations shall be sent to the official FCA email address for the attention of the FCA Secretary General no later than two months from the date of the Election Meeting.
7. Nomination for any office in the Executive Board shall be made in writing by an affiliated association or federation whose subscription has been paid for the current year unless special concession has been granted under Article 4(2). Each nomination must be supported by the candidate’s written consent. It is stipulated that for each individual office, only one nomination from each affiliated association or federation shall be accepted, and that such nominated candidate must come from the same country/federation making the nomination.
8. The General Assembly may from time to time organize such Commissions consisting of such members of the FCA for such purposes and with such powers and authority as the General Assembly may deem desirable to assist the Executive Board in carrying out the business of the FCA.
9. The Executive Board members may appoint assistants from their own organizations to help them in carrying out the work of the FCA. These assistants may be admitted to any meeting of the FCA at the discretion of the Chairman of the meeting. They may take part in the deliberations if invited to do so by the Chairman but shall not propose or second a motion or vote on any issue.
10.All acts done by the General Assembly or of a Commission, or by a member acting as a member of the General Assembly or Commission, shall, not withstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there was some defect or irregularity in the status or appointment of any such member of the General Assembly or Commission or persons acting as aforesaid, or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a member of such General Assembly or Commission.
Article 7. Elections and other Meetings
1. An Election Meeting of the FCA shall be held once every four years for the purpose of the election of the Executive Board, of adopting the FCA’s accounts and receiving any reports, and of transacting any other business on the agenda. Election Meetings shall be during the year of the Summer Olympic Games and preferably held at least two months before the scheduled FIE Elective Congress and at the City where a major Asian fencing championship is held. It shall preferably be held in the presence of an authorized FIE Observer. Agenda of Election Meetings are to be circulated no less than one month before the date of the Meeting and only matters listed on the agenda shall be discussed. Eleven members or fifty percent of affiliated members whichever is less shall form a quorum.
2. General Assemblies are normally held during major Asian fencing events to conduct business of the FCA. Agenda of General Assemblies are to be circulated at least two weeks before the date of the meeting. Seventeen members or fifty percent of affiliated members whichever is less shall form a quorum.
3. Executive Board Meetings and other Commission Meetings are held as and when required.
4. The Executive Board may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the FCA specifying in the notice the objects for which the meeting is called and no business other than that of which notice has been given shall be put forward at such meeting.
5. The Executive Board shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting – EGM – upon the written requisition of nine members or one quarter of the total membership of the FCA whichever is less. The requisition together with the notice calling the meeting shall be sent to all members three months before the date of the EGM. The Executive Board shall advise all members of the requisition, within one month from the receipt of the requisition. Eleven members or fifty percent of affiliated members whichever is less shall form a quorum and only matters specified in the notice shall be put forward at the EGM.
6. The President shall preside at all General Assemblies and Executive Board meetings. In the absence of the President, the First Vice President shall take the chair at all General Assemblies and Executive Board Meetings and the Second Vice President shall substitute in his absence. The Third Vice President shall substitute the Second Vice President if the latter is also absent. Should all four be absent fifteen minutes after the appointed hour, the meeting shall elect a Chairman from among them.
Article 8. Votes
1. No voting by proxy is allowed at any meeting of the FCA or of the Commissions.
2. Nominated representatives are only entitled to vote if the association or federation whom they represent enjoy voting rights on the basis of one vote per association or federation.
3. In addition to his own vote, the FCA President shall make a casting vote in case of a tie in the voting.
4. Unless otherwise specified in this Constitution, voting on all motions at FCA meetings shall require a simple majority of those present and voting.
5. Voting on all motions shall be by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is demanded by no less than two members represented at the meeting.
6. It is stipulated that any association or federation that has not paid its annual dues as prescribed shall have no voting rights at any General Assembly or Election Meeting of the FCA unless special concession has been granted by the Executive Board.
Article 9. Minutes
1. The Executive Board shall cause minutes to be kept of the proceedings and resolutions of all meetings including Commission meetings.
2. Any such minutes of a meeting of the General Assembly, the Executive Board, or any Commission or of any Election or Extraordinary General Meetings of the FCA, if purported to be signed by the Chairman of such meeting, or by the Chairman of the next succeeding meeting, shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of the matters stated in such minutes.
Article 10. Funds
1. Funds of the FCA shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the FCA.
2. The Treasurer shall cause true accounts to be kept of the moneys received and expended, and of the assets and liabilities of the FCA. The accounts shall be made up to and closed on the 31st day of December in each year and a Balance Sheet containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of the FCA shall be endorsed by the President, the Treasurer and one other member of the Executive Board before the last day in April on the following year
3. The President and Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving all subscriptions, amounts due on bills and all other moneys coming to the FCA. Their receipts shall be the only discharge and he shall pay into a bank, to be named by the Executive Board, all moneys received by them.
4. All withdrawals from the FCA account may be signed singly by the President and the Treasurer, as may be authorized by the Executive Board for the operations of the FCA
5. The Financial Statements of the FCA, as audited by the designated External Auditors, shall be reported by the Treasurer and in printed form presented to the General Assembly.
Aritcle 11. Amendments to the Constitution
1. The Constitution of the FCA shall not be amended, altered or varied, nor shall additions be made thereto except at a General Assembly or EGM, and by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.
2. Proposed amendments, which must be seconded, shall be presented to the Secretary General in writing. The Secretary General shall circulate the proposed amendments to all members for comments within one month upon the receipt of the proposals.
3. Unless agreed otherwise by the proponent, the Secretary General shall call a General Assembly or EGM to discuss and decide or the proposed amendments within twelve months upon the receipt of the proposals.
4. Notices on General Assemblies or EGM concerning changes to the Constitution must be circulated to all members at least three months before the date of meeting.
Article 12. Duties of Members of the Executive Board
1. President
a. He is the Chief Executive Officer and leader of the Confederation responsible for conducting and coordinating all affairs of the FCA in accordance with its Constitution.
b. To convene, hold, and chair all meetings of the FCA as required.
c. To attend international meetings and conferences on behalf of the FCA and to establish and maintain liaison with international organizations.
d. To report to the CEO of the FIE any problems or administrative dysfunctions within the FCA and/or its member federation, and to actively collaborates with the FIE to carry out administration training projects
e. To handle important correspondence.
f. To be the spokesman of the FCA
2. Secretary General
a. To maintain a filing system and keep proper files of the FCA
b. To maintain and up-date a record of all members of the FCA
c. To arrange venues for meetings
d. To prepare and circulate notices and minutes of meetings
e. To handle general correspondence of the FCA
f. To perform any other duties as requested by the President
3. Treasurer
a. To keep proper accounts and other financial records of the FCA
b. To prepare budgets for the FCA
c. To monitor income and expenditures of the FCA and to make financial reports to the General Assembly
4. Vice Presidents and Members
a. To perform such duties as requested by the President or the General Assembly
Article 13. General
1. The FCA Constitution shall not be inconsistent with that of the FIE, and that the rules and regulations of the Federation Internationale D’Escrime shall apply where no provision has been made in the FCA’s Constitution. In case of disagreement in the interpretation of the Statutes and Rules of the FIE and those of the FCA, those of the FIE have priority.
2. All matters not specifically provided for by the rules and regulations of the IOC, the OCA and the FIE , and any questions as to the interpretation of the FCA Constitution shall be left to the FCA General Assembly whose decision shall be final and conclusive
3. Unless otherwise specified, motions at meeting without due notice having been given shall not be discussed without the sanction of the Chairman and majority of the representatives present and voting, and any decision thus taken shall be binding on all members whether represented or not at the meeting.
4. Without prejudice to the Constitution of the FCA, important matters requiring urgent decisions may be conducted among members of the Executive Board through written correspondence. Matters resolved by written consent shall be submitted to the next General Assembly for confirmation.
5. The FCA can be dissolved by resolution at a General Assembly or EGM passed by a three-fourths majority of those present and voting. Upon dissolution, any remaining funds of the FCA shall be equally divided among paid up members of the FCA.
6. The official language of the FCA shall be English.