BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, Oct. 5-6 2018 – The “Olympism in Action” Forum takes place in Buenos Aires on October 5-6 prior to the opening of the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, providing a broad array of sport-related discussions and presentations and including a diverse group of Olympic athletes and champions, refugee Olympic team members, sport federation leaders, Olympic city mayors, UN leaders, Olympic partners, local and international officials and dignitaries, academics, “Young Change-Makers” and journalists. Notably, Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina and Thomas Bach, International Olympic Committee (IOC) President and fencing Olympic gold medallist, will lead the opening session in conversation with Argentina’s Jennifer Dahlgren, a hammer-throw Olympian.
Following the Opening, Ban Ki-moon, eighth United Nations Secretary-General and Chair of the International Olympic Committee Ethics Commission, will deliver an address to the Forum on “The Power of the Olympic Truce” in a discussion with Sonali Prasad, journalist with the Olympic Information Services Photo Project in India.
Daryl Homer (USA) and Maria Belen Perez Maurice (ARG), Fencing “Athlete Role Models” to the Youth Olympic Games, will also participate in the Forum.
A variety of programmes, debates, speeches and “working zones” will take place over the two-day Forum, including topics such as Women in Sport, Combatting Doping, Fair Play, Issues of Sports Betting and Match-Fixing, Prevention of Harassment and Abuse in Sport, Social Inclusion and Cohesive Societies, Spotlight on Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028, Generating Social Change Through Sport, City Perspectives on Hosting the Olympic Games and Combatting Corruption in Sport, among others. An awards ceremony and cultural evening will conclude the event on October 6, recognizing Women in Sports, Sport & Active Society Grants, IOC Coaches Lifetime Achievement and the world’s first certification for “Global Active Cities”.
Broadly, the intent of the Forum is to bring together and share a diversity of experiences and perspectives on how to build a better world through sport.
Everyone with a Youth Olympic Games accreditation may participate in the Forum, which will be held at the Exhibition and Convention Centre of Buenos Aires (CECBA). Detailed information about the Olympism in Action Forum may be found online at www.olympic.org/olympism-in-action.